Tsuki cat sticker
A sticker of a drawing of the Professor of Play himself, the very curious Tsuki T. Cat!
(The T stands for Troublepaws, which inspired the Brazilian choro-ish tune Patas de Problemas (Troublepaws) on Bright Little Worlds.)
A sticker of a drawing of the Professor of Play himself, the very curious Tsuki T. Cat!
(The T stands for Troublepaws, which inspired the Brazilian choro-ish tune Patas de Problemas (Troublepaws) on Bright Little Worlds.)
A sticker of a drawing of the Professor of Play himself, the very curious Tsuki T. Cat!
(The T stands for Troublepaws, which inspired the Brazilian choro-ish tune Patas de Problemas (Troublepaws) on Bright Little Worlds.)