Currently - June 2017
I’m taking this week mostly off (I only taught on Monday, but am definitely still doing a bit of work).
Here’s what I’ve been up to:
Enjoying long walks - (I’ve been walking down to the Mississippi River and back most mornings lately) and patios.
Reading a lot - about to finish up Marlena by Julie Buntin, and Stories of Your Life (and Others) by Ted Chiang is up next - it includes the short story that the movie Arrival was based on.
Watching House of Cards Season 5 - it’s a bit painful given all of the crazy stuff happening in our actual government. I need to balance it out with regular doses of Leslie Knope.
Listening to silence more often than not, otherwise my brain has been getting overloaded.
Trying to keep up with the news in very small doses (all I can handle).
Catching up with friends, now that I actually have some free time.
Adjusting to a new diet - with the help of a nutritional therapist - in order to stabilize my blood sugar. So far no carbs before dinner hasn’t been as hard as I thought, but it does take some planning.
Cooking a lot more, eating a lot more vegetables (it’s CSA season!), and drinking beet kvass every morning (still a little strange, but definitely not bad).
Performing a little bit - I played my choro Anelante (Wistful/Wishful) at a composition recital at MacPhail on Sunday, and have a wedding gig on Saturday (let’s hope I survive the projected high of 97 - it's outside 😵 ).
Composing music for my 100 Day Project, 100 Days of Writing Music - follow along on my Instagram here, and listen to the music on SoundCloud here.
Pondering my goals for the month of June, and for the summer - it will go fast!
Looking forward to my trip to Chicago for NCKP (National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy) in July, and to Cazadero, CA for California Brazil Camp in August.
Do you have any summer adventures planned, music-related or otherwise? Tell me about them in the comments!