Brazilian Music Friday Feature #27

This week's pick is the amazing Itiberê Zwarg, who I got to see last Friday at SFJazz as part of Hermeto Pascoal's Grupo. In addition to being an accomplished bassist, composer, and arranger, he has regularly taught Universal Music Workshops, to teach young musicians the method of playing that he began with Hermeto, emphasizing listening and interaction. Google Translate isn't the best, but even if you don't speak Portuguese, you can get an idea of his philosophies here

Itiberê's catalog is pretty extensive, so it was too hard to pick one song - here's Iteberê's concert on the always excellent Programa Instrumental SESC Brasil (whose YouTube channel has many excellent concert broadcasts). He mainly plays bass, but you'll also see him on piano. 

Enjoy the music, and your weekend!


New Brazilian Choro - Help Me Name It!


Spring Break Recap and Hermeto Pascoal at SFJazz